REGKLAM series of publications (german)Heft 1 - Das Klima in der REGKLAM-Modellregion Dresden Heft 2 - Klimaprojektionen für die REGKLAM-Modellregion Dresden Heft 3 - Gebäude unter den Einwirkungen des Klimawandels Heft 4 - Gebäudeertüchtigung im Detail für den Klimawandel Heft 5 - Regionaler Wasserhaushalt im Wandel Heft 6 - Grundlagen für eine klimawandelangepasste Stadt- und Freiraumplanung Issue 1 – Climate in the REGKLAM model region DresdenThe first issue in the REGKLAM series of publications is entitled “Climate in the REGKLAM model region Dresden”, co-authored by Christian Bernhofer, Jörg Matschullat and Achim Bobeth. In a press statement, Christian Bernhofer, Professor of Meteorology at the TU Dresden, has said: “This publication, which constitutes a new instrument for the region’s decision-makers, describes the changes that can already be detected in our climate and makes clear the further changes coming our way. It is necessary to prepare ourselves in all those areas affected by climate change.” On 10 December 2009 the brochure was presented to Dresden’s Deputy Mayor and the President of the Euro region Elbe-Labe, Dirk Hilbert. Alternatively, download the text as PDF file here: REGKLAM publication/Issue 1: Climate in the REGKLAM model region Dresden Issue 2 – Climate Projections for the REGKLAM model region DresdenThe focus of the latest issue of the REGKLAM series of publications is the expected climate change in the model region. Today it is no longer possible to make climate predictions for the next 50 or 100 years based on statistics derived from standard weather observations of past decades. Instead, a number of interlinked processes and models must be employed to make a range of climate projections for the REGKLAM model region. One significant factor in such calculations is the forecasted global development of greenhouse gas emissions. The new publication contains predictions for future temperatures and rainfall as well as other dependent parameters. Readers are not only given research results on weather conditions, but also global radiation, extreme weather events and other potential repercussions of climate change. Issue 2 of REGKLAM’s series of publications is co-published by Dresden’s Technical University (Meteorological Department), The Technical University of Freiberg (Institute of Mineralogy) and the Saxon State Agency (Landesamt) for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology. The 112-page brochure can be ordered from Rhombos-Verlag – order here. Alternatively you can download the contents here: |