About REGKLAM/Monitoring process

KLIMZUG Alliance

“KLIMZUG – managing climate change in the regions for the future” is a programme run by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to support the development of innovative approaches to climate change adaption in seven model regions in Germany. The intention is to implement climate adaption through the formation of regional networks between actors from the worlds of science, business, administration and other relevant social agencies. REGKLAM works closely with the other alliance members to develop common solutions. You can find information on other alliance projects by clicking on the following links:

DynAKlim (Ruhrgebiet)

INKA-BB (Berlin/Brandenburg)

KLIMZUG-Nord (Hamburg)


KLIMZUG-Nordwest (Bremen/Oldenburg)

RAdOst (Baltic Sea)

Funding administration

The German Aerospace Centre (DLR) supervises the implementation of KLIMZUG with expert advice and organisational assistance on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Funding code: 01 LR 0802

Climate Service Center (CSC)

The Climate Service Center (CSC) advises and supports the KLIMZUG project alliance by drawing together the results of climate research and disseminating these to decision-makers from politics, administration and business, as well as to the general public. The Climate Service Center also assumes the tasks of the Service Group Adaption (SGA).The SGA was established within the framework of the BMBF programme “klimazwei – Research for Climate Protection and Protection from Climate Impact”.

The CSC tests various climate parameters in regional climate simulations in order to provide insights and data on climate systems to the adaption projects. The projects can then make use of the derived climate parameters and boundary values, as well as graphical illustrations and animations of regional simulation data. The CSC evaluates and interprets the climate simulation data and the climate observation data as well as offering access to the databanks and assisting in data transfer. The CSC facilitates discussion and exchange of information between climate specialists and can, if desired, moderate discussions. Thus the CSC offers a comprehensive service to optimise the use of knowledge and data on climate change to answer questions regarding adaption to regional climate change in the context of adaption projects.    

Cologne Institute for Economic Research

The Cologne Institute for Economic Research is responsible for the monitoring of KLIMZUG projects. It unifies the public face of KLIMZUG through the effective communication of the various projects’ activities and results. Such publicity work encompasses joint information materials, events with external participants and a joint website.

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